
Showing posts from October, 2011

between sad tears and happy tears

apakah anda pernah menangis? aha! those of you who said no, i wonder what your heart made of.. :D *no offense* tapi siapa sih yang gak pernah nangis dalam hidupnya? bayi lahir aja langsung cenger aliyas nangis kok. well, i just want to write this post for my mom. i just skyped her - the last time i saw her was a month ago when i was about to leave jakarta to dubai. and then this was the first time we skyped and saw each other again (virtually of course). of course, i miss her. we are not only mother and daughter but we are also like sister and best friend. yes, she is my best friend in this world. but i wonder til now. not that i want to see her cry, but i wonder if i ever saw her crying in front of me. no, she never.  saya dan ibu saya memang tak mudah berekspresi, berucap kata sayang setiap hari misalnya. tapi saya yakin ibu saya sayang, dan saya yakin ibu saya tahu saya sangat sayang dg dia, dari perilaku kami masing-masing.  and this i guessed shaped who i am ...

nasi campur ala Korea *sembarang ngubah nama

kemarin waktu jalan pulang dri kampus, ada mbak2 nyamperin tanya gini tiba2: "hi, do you live in zone 1 or 2?" *zone ini mengacu ke pembagian wilayahnya London, ya plg ngefek sama transportasi publik lah, lebih jauh, lebih mahal* saya agak bingung, dan takut, apalagi si mbak2 bawa kardus gede. wah bakal jadi korban kuesioner di tepi jalan nih, pikir saya. "nope, sorry." padune pengen mlipir "oh, i'm looking for someone who is familiar with this place. do you know if there is a Korean restaurant around here?" aha, mbaknya org Korea mau nraktir aku... "well i'm not too familiar with this place, but i know there is one around here, it's just opposite the British Museum" dan singkat cerita si mbak2 bukan nyari responden kuesioner, dia mahsiswa baru di London School of Economic yg baru pengen makan makanan Korea krn dia bosan sm makanan di dorm (padahal br 10 hari tinggal di situ). akhirnya dg berbaik hati saya mengantar si mbak2 ...

the last fish in Busan

wow, this is a progress!! i'm posting 2 different posts this week! =D in this post, i will share with you another experience of mine during my stay in Busan, South Korea - still in regards to food of course! during our stay in Busan, other than getting involved in the conference, we also wanted to explore the many diverse and unique culinary stuffs available. so, one evening, my colleague asked me and my partner (i mean working partner) to go back early to our hotel and then have dinner somewhere. after getting permission *surprisingly* from The Boss, we went back early from the conference. and then our funny journey began. there were 5 of us meeting at the hotel foyer: Christina [a Greece-born Australian woman in her mid 40s or so], Patti [a Taiwan-born New Zealander or Australian woman in her early 30s], Ita [late twenties, Indonesian, female], Praneel [Fijian guy who said he's in his early 20s] and of course: me [the calm Indonesian lady ;). We all wanted diff...

Pojangmacha: Korean angkringan

trying to keep my promise yesterday. okeh, today's post is about Korean street food stall, or almost similar with Javanese angkringan. before coming to Korea, I like watching Korean movies. The thing I often see in them is the street food stall. Often, characters in the movie go to one of these stalls and get a drink of soju and get drank, to confess love or messed-up feelings about love. Also, to eat fatty barbecued meat. Hahaa, what a unhealthy lifestyle! Another is when the character go for a walk and see one of the stall below, then grab a skewer or two. It seems so nice, and the way they eat it is sooo tempting. Korean definitely loves eating, and so do I!! So, when I got a chance to visit South Korea, one thing I wanted to do was to grab foods from these stalls. :D the lady with all the Korean delicious and spicy snack a woman buying some skewers what they usually sell (and the food the lady preparing is Korean rice cakes - delicious!) There a...

welcome to London!!!

waiyaaa, long time no posting... hahhaa. sepertinya saya memang kurang disiplin. ah, tapi saya punya alasan kali ini. hari2 setelah ke korea bagi saya sangattt padat dan membingungkan. harus urus visa krn ternyata beasiswa saya bisa dipakai. harus meringankan beban kerja (bukan menyelesaikan, tp paling tidak partner kerja saya tidak stres2 amat). harus mencari pengganti untuk tanggungan riset sy di kedokteran. arrghh dan mencari dana talangan. Tpi Alhamdulillah, Allah memang sungguh Maha Baik pd saya. Akhirnyaa, saya bisa sampai di London jugak.. baiklaaah krn skrg saya punya akses internet supraa cepat, sy akan kembali disiplin dalam menulis, well, minimal 1 kali seminggu lah.. ;) oke, sy akan mulai besok dg tulisan soal Korean food! yeah! here's a hint: